As you know, the City of Arvada asked Hope House to move all offices and non-Residential Program staff out of the current Residential facility because our additional programs and classes (GED, Mentoring, Parenting, etc.) are outside the scope of the permit originally granted by the City.
We are excited to announce that Heritage Community Bible Church has generously offered us space in their church! Our staff and teen moms are enormously relieved to remain close to our Hope House home. The City of Arvada has graciously given us until August 31st to move.
Initially this move seemed like a frustration, and we looked at it as "finding somewhere to go" while we rezone the land and raise funds to build the Resource Center. We now realize that God has given us an opportunity to actually pilot the Resource Center right next door at the church! Our GED Lab, Mentoring Program, Parenting and Healthy Relationships Classes, Counseling and Life Skills Classes will all relocate to the church — all of the programs we planned to move to the new Resource Center anyway!
Thank you all so much for your outpouring of prayers, help, and gifts during this last month of uncertainty. It has truly been amazing to watch God move through His people. The many offers and suggestions for possible alternatives have been a huge encouragement and a clear sign of just how much God loves our girls and their little ones! How like our God to have a better plan for us than we could have ever hoped for or imagined!
We can’t wait to invite you to the church for a "Grand Opening" and tour of our pilot Resource Center!
Lisa Steven,
Executive Director, Hope House of Colorado
P.S. If you are interested in volunteering to help with the move, please e-mail Sue Pilon, our Volunteer Coordinator, at sue@hopehousecolorado.org.