What We Do
The Problem: Poverty
Over 2,000 babies were born to teen moms in Colorado last year. 67% of parenting teen moms live below the federal poverty line.
In Colorado, a single mom with one child must work over 101 hours per week at minimum wage to remain above the federal poverty line.
Less than 2% of teen moms will ever graduate from college, and fewer than half will earn their high school diploma.
The Solution: Empowerment
Economic Self-Sufficiency
We measure economic growth across four domains: Education and Career Development, Financial Health, Housing and Economic Basics.
A Place to Belong
We design and organize community activities and events to allow our teen moms the opportunity to build friendships.
Personal Self-Sufficiency
We measure personal growth across three domains: Parenting, Emotional Well-being
and Social Connections.
Resource Center
Our Resource Center is located in Arvada, Colorado and serves over 250 teen moms from all across the Denver-metro area as they participate in our free self-sufficiency programming.
Residential Program
Hope House Colorado’s Residential Program offers a safe, stable home for teen moms and their children who are participating in our programs and who have become homeless or are living in an unsafe environment.
Learn how your skills and interests can impact the lives of teen moms and their children.