This year we celebrate our 10th Christmas together as a Hope House family! I still have photos of that Christmas with our first two sweet moms and their baby girls.
How our family has grown! This Christmas we celebrate with 110 teen moms and their 165 little ones, 25 staff members, and over 200 volunteers!
Sometimes I downplay the use of the word family for Hope House… after all, our girls do have families, and we don’t wish to replace them. However, when Chantia was interviewed for our new video, she shyly said, “Hope House is my family… I tell people that all the time.” At that moment I realized that families don’t replace people… they just add people.
Like “Grandma“ Betty, an evening staff member who is always there for a hug. Or Patience, a teen mom with little money for gas who goes out of her way each week to pick up Cabrini, whose mom won’t bring her.
And you… you show up with dinner on cold nights. You rock babies, fix faucets and repair cars. And you give of your hard earned resources… you provide for us. We are blessed by you, and grateful for you, and we can’t wait to move into our bigger home — with you!
God bless, and Merry Christmas!
Lisa Steven, Executive Director
Cars needed!
We have a pressing need for used, reliable cars and vans to get our young
moms to the GED Lab, work, appointments, etc. If you have a vehicle you want to donate and still receive a 2012 tax deduction, please let us know!