Did you know we have a sister home in Uganda?
Suubi (which means “hope”!) House is a place where young moms in Uganda can go after they have their child – young moms who literally have nowhere to go with their child. Often their only options are not options at all: they face either returning to the home where the abuse that caused the pregnancy occurred… or living on the streets of the slums.
As a sister organization, Hope House sends supplies and training materials, and our Executive Director collaborates at times with their Executive Director because teen moms across the world have the same needs: to have a place to belong and a place to learn to become self-sufficient.
Currently our very own teen moms are collecting used baby clothes for the kids of the girls at Suubi House. The babies at Suubi also are in need of cloth diapers, so if you would like to donate cloth diapers (any size or style), they will be make a big difference in a place just like Hope House — just located across the world!
For information on the cloth diaper collections, please contact [email protected]
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