by Hope House Colorado’s Director of Partnerships, Jenny Macias
The biggest event of the year is the annual Hope House gala. Hundreds of people attended this event last year where we raised over $500,000 to support Hope House teen moms! I look forward to attending the gala every year for many reasons, and you should too!
Each year we celebrate our newest Hope House graduates who have completed all the classes and one-on-one meetings with staff on an extensive graduation checklist to help them achieve their self-sufficiency goals. To reward our graduates for their hard work they are invited to attend the Hope House gala. Last year our champions paid to attend the gala, but as a Hope House graduate you get to go for FREE! Here are six things for you to look forward to as a graduate attending the Hope House Gala:
- You get to dress up! I don’t know about you, but I love an opportunity to get all dolled up and wear a fancy dress! If you are a graduate attending the gala, you will be invited to ‘Boutique Night’ a few weeks before the gala where you get to shop for your gala dress for free! Bella Boutique partners with Hope House every year to provide gala dresses for our graduates. On ‘Boutique Night’ you and all the other graduates will go with Hope House staff to Bella Boutique to pick out your dress. They always have tons of beautiful dresses, so you are sure to find something you love! On the night of the gala, it’s always fun to see everyone else dressed up too!
- You get to spend the evening in a fancy hotel and eat a fancy dinner! I mean who doesn’t love being in a beautiful hotel ballroom and who doesn’t love good food? This year our gala will be at the beautiful Grand Hyatt downtown.
- Professional Pictures! Before the gala begins, we have a professional photographer on site taking pics of all our beautiful graduates. We take a big group picture of all of you dressed up on stage as well as individual pics that you get copies of.
- You get to hear stories of other Hope House teen moms! Each year at the gala we have two Hope House graduates go on stage to share their story. I cry every time and so do most of the people in the room because we are in AWE of just how incredible you girls are! Teen moms are superheroes!
- You are surrounded by people who LOVE teen moms! Of all the nonprofits in town the people that attend the Hope House gala are there because teen moms are special to them, and they want to show their support for you and your kiddos. At the end of the night there is a paddle raise where you watch a room full of hundreds of people raising their paddles offering to donate THOUSANDS of dollars to support Hope House. It’s inspiring to see people give so generously to support teen moms.
- Dancing! I know this might not be something that everyone looks forward to, but I LOVE to dance! After you’ve eaten an amazing meal, heard incredible speeches from other teen moms and watched a room full of people raise their paddle to support Hope House teen moms, we wrap the night up with a DJ playing all your favorite dance hits. This is a fun time to watch staff attempt to show off their dance moves… some better than others. 😉
Overall, as a Hope House graduate, we want you to feel loved and celebrated when you attend the gala. Becoming a graduate at Hope House is A LOT of work and deserves BIG rewards. Our hope is that attending the gala feels like a very special reward for you, and that you leave the night with some special memories just like I do every year!