CDHS supports people and families by connecting them with assistance, resources and support at every stage of their lives. We serve Coloradans through bold and innovative health and human services. And together, we empower Coloradans to thrive.
Parents, Educators.
Colorado Department of Human Services
1575 Sherman St.
Denver, CO 80203
Phone 303.866.5700 | Fax 303.866.5563
Early Childhood Education, Parent Education/Support, Resources/Referrals, Support
Colorado Shines is a quality rating and improvement system that monitors and supports early learning programs. Its primary functions are to help participating programs and professionals improve their quality through assessment, training and tools, and to connect Colorado families with quality child care.
Family, childcare programs and childcare professionals
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Parent Education/Support, Pregnancy/Prevention, Resources/Referrals, Support
While exploring your options, confirm your pregnancy and get the details on all your options first. It’s your life, your choice and your future. We provide free pregnancy tests, medical screenings, ultrasounds, STD testing & treatment, after abortion care, parenting program, and the abortion pill reversal.
Pregnant women and fathers
Housing referrals, landlord/tenant legal counseling, educational classes on renting and homebuying information
Low income and Senior individuals trying to secure and maintain housing
Housing ,Resources/Referrals
DAYS started as part of a city-wide collaboration to meet the needs of children, youth, and families in and around Denver dealing with juvenile delinquency, child abuse and neglect, teen pregnancy, and foster care.
DAYS offers human services to children, youth, and families throughout Colorado.
We are committed to helping people who are experiencing homelessness and addiction in our city change their lives. We meet their needs through emergency services, rehabilitation, transitional programs, and community outreach.
Homeless, single mothers and their children
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Job search assistance, career counseling, clothing closet, computer accessibility, mentoring, life-skills training
Low-income jobseekers
For Boulder and Broomfield communities. Food bank, emergency shelter, assistance with rent, utilities, transportation and furniture,medicine.
Residents of Broomfield and Boulder Counties
Financial Assistance/Vouchers,Food,Resources/Referrals
We provide help with emergency assistance, long term support, mental health referrals, substance use referrals, energy/heat assistance, rent/mortgage assistance, food assistance, job support, and more.
Residents of Evergreen
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Financial Assistance/Vouchers,Food,Resources/Referrals,Support
Long Business Description
The Good Neighbor Garage is a vehicle placement program that repairs donated cars and places donated cars with single moms with dependent children in the Denver metro area that need transportation for employment purposes. Also provide low-income repair.